April 30, 2024


Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

We would like to express our gratitude to all the visitors, partners and customers who came to visit us at our booth during EXPOSANITÀ 2024. It has been an important edition, with no less than 21,450 visitors, more than 200 conferences organised and the participation of 450 exhibiting companies. It was a valuable opportunity to discuss crucial topics such as the impact of artificial intelligence on the Social and Health sector: the speech of our President Giancarlo Stoppani at the conference organised by Exposanità aroused great interest with a case study on AI applications for the management of Social and Health services.>>> Programa de la conferencia

At our stand, together with our product specialists, we had the opportunity to present the latest innovations of the Equipe platform. We have illustrated to those interested how the Electronic Social and Health record can significantly improve the operational processes of Social and Health Centres, streamlining and making reservations, admissions and reports more efficient, and integrating seamlessly with the mobile devices of professionals and users.

For those who could not attend the event, we invite you to request a demo of the Equipe platform. Don’t miss the opportunity to discover how the Equipe platform can help you transform the management of your Social and Health Centre.>>> Request a Demo

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