Modular, Easy-to-Use, State-of-the-Art Solution
Equipe is a Modular and Highly Customisable Software Platform. Each area comprises various modules, which guarantees complete coverage of Social and Health and Organisational processes.
Equipe is a Modular and Highly Customisable Software Platform. Each area comprises various modules, which guarantees complete coverage of Social and Health and Organisational processes.
It comprises a wide network of Services dedicated to the Recovery and Improvement of Physical and Neurological Health and Function. These include Specialised Facilities, Physical, Cognitive, Communicative, Social and Occupational Therapies, aimed at facilitating recovery after an Injury, Degenerative Disease or Surgical Intervention, promoting the well-being and quality of life of users.
Day Care Centres that are an appropriate resource to achieve: preventing the progression of situations of Physical and Mental Deterioration, Preserving and Recovering Personal Autonomy, keeping Dependent People in their Environment and Supporting Families. These Centres offer an Environment with Social and Health Services, Therapies and Social Support to guarantee Comprehensive and Personalised Care.
Residential Centres are responsible for providing Long-Term Care to people who may have a degree of Severe Dependency. They provide Personalised, Specialised and Continuous Support, to guarantee Improvements in their Quality of Life.
Our Business processes are Certified according to Internationally valid standards that refer to Quality Management Systems for the Achievement of Business results in line with market expectations.